Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Smiles and Love and Hair Growth!

Today I am grateful for the smiles and love that have gotten me so far. They may have been smiles from strangers, love from my friends and family; or even the smiles and love that I have given as well.

Last holiday season, my mantra became "Bring joy; get joy!" It got me through the Christmas crazy. This holiday my head and heart are in a much better place.

I am grateful for so much this year. I am grateful for having My Self back!

I am grateful for the smiles and love that helped me get through... gosh, I've gotten through so much this year.

I'm going to Ohio to see some family over Christmas and then to New York to spend New Year's with some truly wonderful friends! Though my little heart is very excited, my pockets are not so agreeable.

Which leads me to tell everybody I've decided to sell my soul and endorse, on national radio, a hair-growth product. I won't name names... but let's just say, if it were marketed to the brutha's, it might be called "Bro-gaine".

Now I'm not actually the one using the product, I'm just supposed to be the instigator/catalyst for the other person of the show to use the stuff. Still, it's cash. Cold. Hard. Cash. And as a girl who seriously considered "dancing" (yes. that kind of dancing) to make ends meet, this is nothin'. In fact, after our spec-spot, I think I may be able to land some other endorsements as well. Helloooo, ca-ching!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Straight from Wikipedia:

In 1902 the first modern electrical air conditioning was invented by Willis Haviland Carrier in Syracuse, NY. Designed to improve manufacturing process control in a printing plant, his invention controlled not only temperature but also humidity. The low heat and humidity were to help maintain consistent paper dimensions and ink alignment. Later Carrier's technology was applied to increase productivity in the workplace, and The Carrier Air Conditioning Company of America was formed to meet rising demand. Over time air conditioning came to be used to improve comfort in homes and automobiles. Residential sales expanded dramatically in the 1950s.

The hvac unit to the studio in which I am chained is frozen solid. You may be thinking, "Super, it's only 30 degrees outside, you must be cold!" To this I respond, "NO. I am chained to a studio with thousands and thousands of dollars worth of audio equipment. AND IT IS ALL TURNED ON AT THE SAME TIME AND WILL NEVER EVER EVER BE SHUT OFF LEST THE WORLD ENDS AS WE KNOW IT." I am hot. I've taken off my sweater, my boots and jewelry. My professionalism is on the line as I'm this close to taking off my pants.


Peace be with you. I hope you can be grateful for something today, too.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I, Me, Mine

So it should be noted I've been divorced almost 2 years now. Where on earth did the time go? It feels like it was just yesterday and yet, it also feels a million miles away. Trying so hard to be friends and even giving-it-another-go probably did not do me any favors, but I've seen the light and the truth and can finally move on.

Which brings me to a couple of things... First, for those of you who don't know, I work for a super cool radio show in Washington, DC. It's 'guy talk' and we essentially live our lives on the air, finding humor and entertainment in the little things that make life, well, Life.

This week the show is on vacation and I'm running "Best Of" programs. Yesterday's show featured a segment in which we delve into my new-found dating life. During the segment, I was asked what I'd learned since getting divorced. I was surprised at the answer I gave.

I said, "Well, I've learned I'm a great catch. If I have been able to come through all this crap and still be able to laugh and smile, then I'm doing alright."

Today I am grateful for my ability to find a laugh, a smile, even an ironic grin, from every situation.

Today I am grateful for Me. (And I think that's okay.)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Despite my headache...

I'm trying hard to make blogging a habit again. There once was a time I would blog once a day. Today is tough. I have a wretched headache and have not been sleeping well for a couple of weeks.

As it seems is most of our Nation, I'm a bit stressed out. And in keeping with the positive attitude, a few more things for which I am grateful.


A really good shower. I appreciate good water pressure. If the water can't slam you against the back wall, then it's just not enough. Jeeze, I love a good shower.

My work family. As fucked up and dysfunctional as they are, the people with whom I work accept each other warts and all. I think much of it has to do with Respect. We live our lives --the good and the bad-- on the air, and that is not easy to do. Our achievements, our struggles, our lives... it is all out there.

I am grateful for my health. Though I do have a couple health-issues, for the most part, I am healthy and do not get sick very often. (Hangovers don't count. Because if they did count, I'd probably be sick about once a week. Or more.)

Apples. I love apples and try to eat one every day. Yummy!


Nap time. Or at least, get-back-in-bed time.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ten Things To Bring a Smile...

It's a cold gray rainy day. My head aches. And with the pending departure of the Amazing Aunt Jane, my heart aches a little, too. But as a good girl must, I will push through and find a smile!!

Inspired by my beautiful friend, Rosey Mama, and her month of being grateful, I am going to list ten things that put a bounce in my step and a little extra glimmer in my smile.


1. I love my job. Even when I hate my job, I still love my job! Radio rocks. My co-workers are another family to me and I adore that freaky, weird, dysfunctional family love.

2. Lady Grey Tea. No sugar. No honey. No milk. No fuss.

3. My friendship with "Aunt Jane".

4. The smell of fresh laundry... it takes me back to my mom's tiny house in West-By-God and how my bedroom was off the laundry room. Mom was always doing laundry and for me, the smell is nothing short of a Star Trek Transporter.

5. The Radio Flyer. Though the Radio Flyer is a little banged up, she gets me from Here to There and she does it with care and safety! I love my little Volkswagen.

6. My family. They should probably be in the top slot, but this list is in no particular order. My family has surpassed any expectations I have ever had with support that even I can not understand. They support me and my wacky decisions even when I question their sanity. "Really? You really think it's a good idea that I cut off my left pinky toe for $500 as a stunt on the radio?" Wow. You DO love me!

7. I am grateful for the internet and my neighbor who lets me jump on his wireless connection for free. (Nope, I'm not stealing it; he is nice enough to share his password!)

8. Champagne. God damn, I love me some champagne.

9. Good kissers and being single. I nearly erased that, but really, I'm grateful for this. I love me some good smoochin'. Kiss the boys. Kiss the girls. Who cares? I am single, so why not enjoy it?

10. Laughter. I am grateful for laughter. Whether it is my own or a perfect stranger's, laughter makes my world go 'round.

Wow. That really works. I must tell you, dear reader, if you are feeling a little cold gray and rainy, make a list. Be grateful. It doesn't take much to find the beauty around you and when you do, you may find yourself smiling!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Prompted by friends to begin blogging again, I'm giving it another go.

Quietly, I'm dusting myself off and straightening my cape.

And I will be back to tell you for what I am grateful.