Sunday, December 14, 2008

Despite my headache...

I'm trying hard to make blogging a habit again. There once was a time I would blog once a day. Today is tough. I have a wretched headache and have not been sleeping well for a couple of weeks.

As it seems is most of our Nation, I'm a bit stressed out. And in keeping with the positive attitude, a few more things for which I am grateful.


A really good shower. I appreciate good water pressure. If the water can't slam you against the back wall, then it's just not enough. Jeeze, I love a good shower.

My work family. As fucked up and dysfunctional as they are, the people with whom I work accept each other warts and all. I think much of it has to do with Respect. We live our lives --the good and the bad-- on the air, and that is not easy to do. Our achievements, our struggles, our lives... it is all out there.

I am grateful for my health. Though I do have a couple health-issues, for the most part, I am healthy and do not get sick very often. (Hangovers don't count. Because if they did count, I'd probably be sick about once a week. Or more.)

Apples. I love apples and try to eat one every day. Yummy!


Nap time. Or at least, get-back-in-bed time.