Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I, Me, Mine

So it should be noted I've been divorced almost 2 years now. Where on earth did the time go? It feels like it was just yesterday and yet, it also feels a million miles away. Trying so hard to be friends and even giving-it-another-go probably did not do me any favors, but I've seen the light and the truth and can finally move on.

Which brings me to a couple of things... First, for those of you who don't know, I work for a super cool radio show in Washington, DC. It's 'guy talk' and we essentially live our lives on the air, finding humor and entertainment in the little things that make life, well, Life.

This week the show is on vacation and I'm running "Best Of" programs. Yesterday's show featured a segment in which we delve into my new-found dating life. During the segment, I was asked what I'd learned since getting divorced. I was surprised at the answer I gave.

I said, "Well, I've learned I'm a great catch. If I have been able to come through all this crap and still be able to laugh and smile, then I'm doing alright."

Today I am grateful for my ability to find a laugh, a smile, even an ironic grin, from every situation.

Today I am grateful for Me. (And I think that's okay.)

1 comment:

LP said...

And you smile so beautifully.

HUGS - I'm so proud of you!